Fenwick Parish Church is planning a series of four Lenten Studies, running fortnightly, leading up to and including Holy Week, on Wednesday evenings from 17th February to 31st March. These will be run as Zoom meetings, from 7.15pm. The series is entitled “Man of sorrows, people of hope”, and each is planned to be an interactive session which will give participants an opportunity, in an informal setting, to consider the events leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus, and the implications for each one of us. Information including scripture readings and questions for the group will be provided in advance.
Although designed to be interactive and therefore open to discussion among the participants, no one should feel under any pressure to contribute vocally, and all would be welcome to join the sessions even if you prefer to use the ‘mute’ button, and simply listen in!
This invitation is open to all who might be interested and although it is a series of four, each is an independent event, and you are welcome to attend any one or more of the evenings. Please let Kim Watt know if you would like to receive the Zoom link for any or all of these sessions.
Further information from Alastair Naismith, Kim Watt or Kevin Wadsworth.