This Sunday in Fenwick Parish Church morning worship at 10.30am Trinity Sunday: God’s honest truth with the Sacrament of Baptism.
Volunteers to sell fete programmes speak to Irene Couper or Ken and Tracey Geddes
Church Fete Quiz Sheets available in the shops also on the front pew, adults £1 children under 13years, 50p.
East Ayrshire Foodbank is now the largest Foodbank in Scotland. To continue the excellent work they do they need increased support. There is now a collection box at the front of the Church for pasta and rice, pasta sauce, stock cubes or tinned goods. Please remember the Foodbank when you are doing your weekly shop – one extra little item in your basket will go a long way to help their work.
Tuesday 28th
Drop-in evening for Sri Lankan farewells, Small Hall, 7.00-9.00pm.
Wednesday 29th
Fete Meeting, 7.30pm, Church Hall
Thursday 30th
Thursday Group Lump: What do we do when our past catches up to us? The Upper Room, 7.30pm
Sunday 2nd – SUNDAY FUNDAY
Morning Worship with Junior Church & YCam Prizegivings, Pentecost 2: Raising Truth, 10.30am.
Followed by Soup Lunch in the Church and Sunday Sundae – Bouncy Castle & Face painting for children – and worship in the open at Lochgoin (2:00pm depart Church Hall) including a family activity.
Friday 7th June
Church Fete, Church Hall & grounds, 7.00pm
Sunday 9th
Glasgow Cathedral Choral Society at Dunlop Kirk, 3:00pm, programme includes Gloria (Vivaldi) & Little Jazz Mass (Bob Chilcott), Tickets £5 from Isabel Kerr Tel 01560 484421 or Mob 07767361370.
Minister Visits/Prayer Chain
If you know of anyone who is in Hospital, or someone who would benefit from a home visit from Geoff, or, if you know of someone whom you would like the Prayer Chain to include in their prayers, please complete the card at the end of the pew and place it in the box on the Welcome Table. All requests will be dealt with appropriately and sensitively
Notice boards, anyone running a Church event are encouraged to ensure that Sandy Scott (01560 600391) has publicity material for the outside notice boards.
Charity Buckets, all donations this month go to Christian Aid