Phase 1 of the Hall Redevelopment goes ahead this summer. The builder will be on site on Monday 30th June.  There is some asbestos to be removed which will be done during the first week of the build.  I would note that it is all low risk asbestos and did not pose any risk to Hall Users. It is only because of the disturbance during building works that it now needs to be removed. Phase 1 will deliver a new entrance porch, foyer, rear small hall link and toilets.  It will bring the toilets up to date to meet current recommendations and pave the way for the delivery of the additional phases. Thank you to everybody who has worked hard and given financially to bring this project to fruition and we look forward to working through the process of bringing it to completion.


East Ayrshire Foodbank ~  Donations (non perishable foods) can be brought to Church and left in the box at the front of the Church.   



Thursday 3rd 

Drop-in café, Fulton Hall, 2.00-3.30pm, All are welcome.

Sunday 6th   

Morning Worship, Worship Light for the summer months Pentecost 4: Jesus or John? 10.30am.



Thinking of Church membership? Want to explore faith issues? Got big questions about life? Just thinking about a faith 100,000 mile service? An Alpha Course will run in the Autumn. Please register interest with Geoff Redmayne (01560 600217,… More details will follow over the summer.



Monday 4th August

100th Anniversary of the commencement of the First World War,

A  Service of Commemoration, War Memorial, 7.00pm

Time for reflection and remembrance, candlelit vigil, a quiet reflection interspersed with readings, Parish Church 10.00-11.00pm

Saturday 6th September (provisional)

Holy Spirit Refresher Day, Remember that  first encounter with the love of God on the Alpha Holy Spirit Away Day?  This day is a time to top up. For all who have attended an Alpha Course or for anyone who wants to see what all the hype is about!  Monkon Church Hall, 10am-4.00pm.

Saturday  27th September (provisional)

Alpha Supper, invite you neighbours, invite your friends, invite your family, invite the community! Supper, music, chat and guest speakers, Church Halls.


Monies collected this month in the charity buckets is for Christian Aid