A warm welcome is extended to everyone to join us in Morning Worship at 10.30am.  The Service will be conducted by Rev Geoff Redmayne following the theme “Pentecost 11 – Beyond the barns”  Please come and join us for a cuppa and a chat in the Hall after the Service.

Junior Church and YCam are now on holiday.    Over the summer period there will be a Fun Club every Sunday for our young people. Come along and join the fun.

The very popular Drop-in Cafe runs every Thursday afternoon from 2-4pm in the Church Hall over the summer months.  Come along and meet friends, young, new and old, while enjoying the fellowship of a friendly chat over tea, coffee and home baking.  There is no age restriction and we look forward to seeing you all.

East Ayrshire Foodbank is now the largest Foodbank in Scotland.  To continue the excellent work they do, they need increased support.  There is a collection box in Church for pasta sauce, milk (UHT or powdered), tinned meat or fish and toiletries.  Please remember the Foodbank when you are doing your weekly shop – one little extra item in your basket will go a long way to help their work.


There are few gaps throughout the year on the flower rota.   Flowers not only decorate our sanctuary for worship, but are also given out to folk as a reminder that we are thinking of them.   If you would like to contribute to this important ministry of the Church, please contact Pat Parkin on 01560 600436
Anyone running a Church event is encouraged to ensure that Sandy Scott (01560 600391) has publicity material which he will place on the 2 external Church Notice Boards.

All items for publication in the Kilmarnock Standard should be with Marilyn Morton no later than the Sunday prior to publication.   Marilyn can be contacted by e-mail at marilyn.morton33@gmail.com


Fenwick Parish Church (Church of Scotland) Registered Charity No:  SCO10062