The Hourglass

Weekly information from Fenwick Parish Church

Sunday 14th July, 2013

Mrs Shona Crosbie

Pentecost 8: Beyond the rules


We gather as the people of God…

Welcome, celebrations & intimations

Entry of the Bible

Call to worship  

Spirit of the Living God 

A new commandment 

Prayer of praise, adoration, confession, dedication & Lord’s prayer

Introduction The Good Samaritan

When I needed a neighbour

We listen to the stories of faith and hope…

Luke 10: 25-37 (Alastair Naismith)

The Traveller’s story (Iain Pirie)

Look forward in faith

Address: The Innkeeper’s story

We respond in faith and hope…

The Church is wherever God’s people are praising 

Prayer (Shona Crosbie)

We leave with God’s blessing…

I, the Lord of sea and sky


God to enfold you



East Ayrshire Foodbank is now the largest Foodbank in Scotland. To continue the excellent work they do they need increased support.  There is now a collection box at the front of the Church for pasta sauce, milk (UHT or powdered) tinned fish and toiletries.  A full list of much needed items is on the collection box.  Please remember the Foodbank when you are doing your weekly shop – one extra little item in your basket will go a long way to help their work.

To date the Recipe Books have raised the grand total of £430.


Thursday 18th

Drop in Café, Church Hall, 2.00 to 4.00pm

Sunday 21st

Morning Worship, Rev Geoff Redmayne, 10.30am with holiday club for children


Saturday 20th July, 2013

Fenwick Agricultural Show – Aitkenhead Farm

 The Big Lunch:  East Ayrshire Foodbank are holding a Big Birthday “Bring-a-tin” Lunch in St. Matthew’s Church Hall (Grassyards Road, Kilmarnock) from 11.30am until 2.30pm.  Admission is by donation of Non-perishable food.

Minister Visits/Prayer Chain

If you know of anyone who is in Hospital, or someone who would benefit from a home visit from Geoff, or, if you know of someone whom you would like the Prayer Chain to include in their prayers, please complete the card at the end of the pew and place it in the box on the Welcome Table. All requests will be dealt with appropriately and sensitively

 Notice boards, anyone running a Church event are encouraged to ensure that Sandy Scott (01560 600391) publicity material for the outside notice boards.

Charity Buckets, all donations this month go to Christian Aid

Tea & Coffee are served in the Church Hall after the service please do join us for a cuppa and a natter